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My Oregon Trail

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On the 5th of June 2013 I got on my motorcycle to ride the 2000 mile long Oregon Trail, the trail thousands of Americans took about 150 years ago, on their way to the far and unknown territory of Oregon. For me, it was relatively safe and easy to ride from Independence, Missouri to Portland, Oregon, but for these people it was incredibly courageous to start this trip that would often proof to be a life changing experience.

My own trip emerged from a desire to see more of this historic trail, and to see a part of the US that has always fascinated me. I wanted to relive the trail, as close to the original as possible, and on my favorite means of transportation: a motorcycle. I also intended this to be a test; would I be able to spend a month on the road alone? Across a stretch of land that was called ‘The Great American Desert’ in those days…?

If you want to know how I did, and how I experienced this trip, you can read all about it here.
